Part 8: Chapter 2, Level 1

"You are entering the Industrial Sector, be aware that we are currently at Stage Three Ozone Levels and a Stage Four Toxin Warning. Be advised that protective-breathing gear should be worn at all times. Thus, you'll find that this is the perfect opportunity to try Cabalco's new and improved Safety Sucks 2! It's the cheap-and-easy protective gear for all occasions. Please avoid high-danger areas like the out-of-doors. Have a safe and pleasant day."
No, you're not having a deja vu, we are in fact playing the exact same fucking map as C1L1 with different enemies. To make up for the lack of originality, for this video I go over some of the development history of the first game.
This is normally the point where I'd have two videos for an update again and renege on my promise that I might possibly, eventually, show off enough levels with a consecutive level of originality that I don't need to upload two levels per update. Unfortunately, while Chapter 2's Level 2 decided to be original in layout, it decided to rip off Chapter 1's Level 9 in bullshit and almost unfair difficulty - I had to try to run through the level two or three times before I attempted a recording, and even during that I died about five times. Most of it, however, is more video editing woes: I attempted to use a codec for recording that would result in less ridiculously-bloated raw footage, which came out at the cost of framerate... at least according to Vegas Pro's preview window, which made the footage look like it was running at 10-15 FPS - hell, it actually told me at one point that the stuttery preview was still at the full 30 FPS, as if that was just how the raw footage looked - only to turn around and spit out a video as smooth as anything else I've done for the game so far when I put this video together. At the very least I'm going to have to run through Level 2 again just to get to the next point for recording (yay), since the game froze on loading the next level. For this level, though... we already fucking saw it, nobody cares.